Project Orion VIII - Post Event

Greetings Brother and Sister Scouts! On the 26th of August we had our post event for Project Orion VIII. The event was hosted by Team Orion VIII and we conducted a day full of activities for the Cub Scouts of 5 different schools. (North View, Mee Toh, De La Salle, Rosyth, Kheng Cheng) We began the day by having small icebreakers between each unit and one patrol mentor from Team Orion VIII. Members of Team Orion VIII getting to know the Cubs Zachary breaks the ice with North View Cub Scouts Andrew in the midst of an icebreaker with the De La Salle Cub Scouts Ryan introducing himself to the Mee Toh Cub Scouts Keith talking to Rosyth Cub Scouts Kar Mun interacting with the Kheng Cheng Cub Scouts After that, we had a sharing done by Bryan and Aadhithya regarding what Project Orion is about to the participants. The sharing consisited of what we did over there in terms of both turtle conservation and immersing ourselves into the culture there. T...