Day 2 - Of Hatchlings and Hellos

Greetings for Trengganu, Malaysia!!!

Today is the second day of our project. Today we spent the day familiarising ourselves with the friendly people here and also the various project sites.

The day started off with a briefing about the Setiu Wetlands as well as about the types of turtles found at Trengganu

Watching a video about the efforts of turtle conservation by the locals and the WWF

Entering the hatchery 

The staff educating us about the various parts in the hatchery 

We freed a late blooming turtle during excavation :)

Luqman, a WWF officer showing us the proper method to excavate the fragile eggs 

Abbas getting a feel of how excavation is done  

Relaxing on a hammock after a fun filled day 

This concludes todays activities, stay tuned for more PO VII action tomorrow ! 


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