Day 8 - Wau and Walls

Day 8 started very early at around 12am. We were making banana chips that we have ordered to bring back home. We ordered a total of 61 packets of banana chips that made us spend the whole night peeling, slicing, frying and packaging them and we slept at about 3 am. We woke up at 8:30am and Kak Ta came and delivered Nasi Lemak for breakfast and we had teh O to wash it down.

Kak Ta came with three of her sons Rizal, Ikwan and Iman. Her sons came to teach us how to tie a traditional moon kite called a Wau. 

We then cycled to Kak Ta house for a simple lunch consisting of rice, fried chicken, soup and vegetables. We quickly proceeded to Mdm Zuraina house to finish up the barber shop that the son has requested us to build. Aadhi led us with the mixing of the cement which we slowly spread and stacked the bricks to build the wall. 

Thats all for day 8. Stay tune for more and do follow our Project Orion VIII journey @project_orion_8  on Instagram. Till next time!

Yours in Scouting,
Team Orion VIII.


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