Day 10 - Of Expediteness and Excavations

Warm Greetings from Setiu, Terengganu!

Our day began once again with a delicious breakfast served hot and fresh at Kak Ta's House, energizing us for the day ahead.

After Breakfast we headed over across the road to Zainab's house, where Pak Lam, a local carpenter, helped us out to replace her old, crumbling porch and install a brand new one in its stead. The work was standard and routine: this was our last porch of the trip. The work was surprisingly quick this time; with Pak Lam's help and our prior experience we managed to complete the whole porch much earlier than expected: before lunchtime.

Our afternoon was intended to be devoted to building Zainab's porch. We headed back to the Pink House to try flying our Wau kites again.

At around 4:00 p.m., we received a call from WWF representatives informing us that we could do a turtle excavation. They picked us up in their truck, and brought us to the turtle hatchery, where we excavated around 4 nests.

Afterwards we went to Kak Ta's house for dinner and returned to the Pink House to rest.

Stay tuned for more updates on Project Orion tomorrow!

Project Orion Team VIII


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