Day 3: Of Construction and Craziness

Greetings from Terengganu, Malaysia!

Hello Everybody, today is the second day of our project. Today, after a scrumptious breakfast at Kak Ta's house, we cycled to Mdm Rokiah house for our construction work today.

A couple of WHITE scouts waiting for the pakcik to come 

As the morning progressed, we had many opportunities to interact with both mdm rokiah's family and the village kids, which were gathered nearby to play. For the construction, after all the specific measurements the pacik painstakingly measured, we had the opportunity to help by digging a large hole which is intended for the pillar to be slotted in the ground. being mostly inexperienced, we took quite a long while to get the hole dug to the pacik's satisfaction.


While taking a break from all the construction work, the project orion team managed to catch a lamb!

Despite not completing the whole porch, the whole team felt very satisfied with what we contributed, and we definitely learned many new things from the paick. After wrapping up the construction, we were driven to the Ramadan market, where we got to enjoy the various local delicacies with the whole group when we brought back the food.


In conclusion, it was definitely a tiring yet enjoyable day, where we learnt many new things during the construction work, where we managed to interact with the children of the villagers, were we were able to taste the delicious food at the Ramadan Market.

That's all for today!

Yours in Scouting,

Team Orion VIII


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