Day 5 - Of Shacks, Stories and Sharing

Day 5 - 15th June 2017

Greetings, and many, many hellos from the Project Orion VIII Team!

Today began with a delicious and hearty breakfast of Fried Kuay Teow coupled with a delicious egg cooked Sunny Side served fresh from Kak Ta's kitchen.

Whilst we awaited materials and Pak Awang, the local handyman, to arrive for the construction of Madam Zurinah's Son's Shop, some members of the team set off to a nearby field to try our hand at catching goats,

climbing trees,

and playing a game of Rugby with a Coconut

after we returned, however we received news that Pak Awang was off doing work elsewhere, whilst the materials had not yet arrived, leaving us with nothing to do for the day.

Fortunately we were able to find work for the morning dismantling a shack outside Madam Zainab's house to make room for a porch we will build in the coming days.

Our work done, and lunch eaten, we cycled back to the Pink House.

Afterwards as we were cycling back we decided to make a pit stop at a local provision shop for ice cream. There we met the owner. We learned he was retired, and previously worked for the Town Council. Looking particularly youthful for his age of 61, he shared with us he used to run 4 kilometres everyday with 6 kg weights!!! In his retirement he turned to maintaining the provision shop and fishing as a hobby. He was particularly pleased to share with us that he had recently caught 120kg Gita Ray, managing to sell it for 1000 ringgit.

With our afternoon free, we took the time to rest and relax.

After dinner, we returned to the house where Si Jie conducted a facilitation session, introducing us to the Johari's house, a valuable tool for feedback from the self and from others, and our Myers-Briggs Personality Type. The session with Johari's house was a time of deep reflection and a development of greater understanding within the team. The Myers-Briggs Personality Test helped us gain a clearer understanding of who we were as individuals. All in all it was a truly memorable and fruitful experience.

In conclusion, though a slow day, Day 5 was not without merit. We hope to do more physical work in the coming days. Stay tuned for more news!

Team Orion VIII


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